Friday, February 12, 2010

More Than A Feeling

More Than A Feeling - Journey to the Centre of Emotion
With Counsellor Deanna Troi

Greetings, my emotional friends. Please, settle down with a chai latté and some whale music as I, Counsellor Deanna Troi, lead you on an expedition of discovery into the world of reading emotions. Emotions are everywhere. As a strong, independent woman from the planet Betazed, I am possessed of the uncanny ability to naturally intuit the emotional core of individuals at any time. I have used this ability to help people reach a higher level of self-awareness, and through that, happiness. I now intend to share some of my emotional insight with you, my readers, so that you may sharpen your ability to read the emotions of others, and become a better-rounded, more sensitive person, fully equipped to meet the needs of your friends and loved ones when they are in need. Please study the pictures below and try to guess what emotion the person in the picture is feeling. When you are ready, read the text underneath the image for my insight, and compare it to your own for an evaluation of how emotionally intelligent you are.

Picture 1

I am sensing... happiness.

In this picture, we see 21st century US autocrat Hillary Rodham Clinton, chortle heartily to herself having heard about a disaster in Haiti.

Picture 2

I am sensing... fake sadness.

This was a trick image, designed to keep the more emotionally intuitive of you on your toes. In this image, we see a popular US actor of the late 2-Dimensional period, James van der Beek, deploy his acting skills to emulate the emotion of sadness. Those of you who identified this image as sadness should not be too dismayed however, as van der Beek was regarded as a master thespian, with a huge command of emotional subtlety.

Picture 3

I am sensing... jealousy.

In this image, we see a human female take umbrage to her mate flirting outrageously with another human female. The jealous female is unhappy because her male has been catching the eye of many females since shaving off his beard, and is enjoying the attention a little too much for her liking.

Picture 4

I am sensing... confusion.

In this image, we see a Klingon male suffering from both gender and species disassociative disorder. The Klingon has rejected not only his manhood and embraced femininity, but has also begun masquerading as a human, in this instance using a giant wig to cover his forehead ridges. Despite the outward appearance of confidence, inside this young man, Alexander Rozhenko, is a roiling mass of confusion.

Picture 5

I am sensing... friendliness.

I took this picture of my good friend Doctor Beverly Crusher after giving her some advice on hobbies she might like to take up to take her mind off of a crush she had developed on a senior officer. Were it not for the strong ties of friendship binding us, one might sense awkwardness or disdain. However, due to the high regard in which we hold one another, Beverly appreciatively considered my suggestions, and warmly welcomed them, as expressed in her friendly visage above.

How did you score? If you got two or less pictures right, then you should study the images again to look for the subtle clues in facial expression that give away the truth of how we are feeling. If you got three or four images emotions correct, then you are of average emotional awareness. You can sense when your friends are obviously distraught, but may struggle when they are hiding their true feelings. If you correctly guessed all five images, then you are either lying or you are from Betazed.

Join me again when I will be revealing more about the exciting world of humanoid emotion. Until then, remember to keep your centre balanced, and take two minutes each day to reflect on the faces you have seen. I am Deanna Troi, and I am sensing the end.

1 comment:

Brian Carey said...

Easily better than the whole of Enterprise.